Start: April 10

Become a Certified Interior Designer In Less Than a Year With Real-World Projects

Learn to design, build your portfolio, and start earning as a certified interior designer during our course

Duration: 12 months
in your portfolio after our course
Course “Designer from scratch”
+3 projects
The course is right for you if you want to:
“Thanks to the course, I changed my profession from accountant to interior designer!”
Change a boring unloved job to a more creative one
if you are not satisfied with the schedule, salary, routine and working for someone else
"During my maternity leave I finally had time to find myself and started doing design projects for a decent wage"
To find yourself and financial independence from your relatives
you will decide for yourself what you spend your money on. You will be able to work from home, be closer to your family and children
A more
creative profession
You will be able to show all your talents and work for pleasure
“I splash all my creative energy into interior design and I'm good at layouts and drawings too”
Change your job in a related profession or upgrade your skills
you will be able to retrain and start taking interior design orders
"I was working as an architect in an office and had almost no design skills. During the course I learnt all the information about design and started working on projects"
Final projects of our graduates
Visualization and implementation
of the project by Lana B.
Realized design project
by student Tanya A.
If you take our full course, you will be able to do the same level of work
Visualization and realization
of the project by Anka S.
Visualization and realization
of the project by Alexa A.
After the course, you will get:
we will refund all your money if you don't like the first 30 days of training
3 full projects for real apartments in the portfolio
After taking the course, you will learn how to work with different styles, object types, deign briefs and clients
Skills in design software
Organized profiles on order search platforms and social networks
Our experienced designers will help you create attractive profiles for your customers
International certificate
in English from our school
Our school has an international educational license. So we can issue a stamped certificate, which is quoted worldwide
You will receive in 6 months after submitting all assignments
We teach to make sustainable design
Which corresponds to international certifications: LEED, BREEAM, and WELL.

This means you will learn how to create a quality and "green" environment
The course is designed for 6 months – 120 hours of theory and 135 hours of practice
You learn the material and immediately apply your knowledge on training projects. With each module you complete, you will be able to improve your skills more and more.
1._One-bedroom apartment

After passing this module, you will study styles and finishing materials for economy-class projects, learn what cannot be demolished in the apartment, get acquainted with color trends. You will learn how to select furniture for a project.
Skills you will gain and improve:
23 hours of theory
13 hours of practice
Space planning
Design concept
Lighting & electricity
Budget & procurement
+ 1 project in portfolio after passing
3d visualizations
2._Studio apartment

By passing this module, you will learn important aspects of coordinating floor plans and plumbing standards. Learn styles and finishes for mid-range projects. Learn how to use interior decor. Create plans in ArchiCAD for your projects.
Skills you will gain and improve:
34 hours of theory
27 hours of practice
Space planning
Design concept
Lighting & electricity
Budget & procurement
+ 1 project in portfolio after passing
3d visualizations
3._Two-bedroom apartment

After passing this module, you will learn how to calculate materials for the project, how to create drawings in ArchiCAD for the builder and the client, how to work with a visualiser and how to create a brief for them.
Skills you will gain and improve:
29 hours of theory
60 hours of practice
Space planning
Design concept
Lighting & electricity
Budget & procurement
+ 1 project in portfolio after passing
3d visualizations
4._Additional units
After passing these modules, you'll dive deeper into: interior styles (5 extra hours), materials (10 extra hours), sustainable design (4 extra hours), project implementation (15 extra hours), marketing and sales (15 extra hours), HomeStyler PRO version (18 extra hours)
56 hours of theory
11 hours of practice
Get the full training curriculum
You will learn the content of all modules with the number of theoretical and practical hours for each lesson
We will send the file to your mail within 10 minutes after filling out the form
You will spend the first 6 months gaining skills and the second 6 months working on projects
How our course is organised
Project 3
«Rich Designer» workshop
Project 1
Project 2
Gaining skills
6 months
Help with your projects
6 months
For the first 6 months you will:
Do your homework for 3 learning projects
Once you have mastered the theory of the topic, you can begin the practical assignment for your learning project
You can watch the lessons on the learning platform whenever it is convenient for you
Feedback for all 6 months
Study the topic using video lessons and summaries
Receive feedback from tutors
Tutors check your assignments and give feedback - by text, voice or video
Short lessons of 20-30 minutes
Clear presentation
Recording in a professional studio with good sound and picture
Lesson example
Forever access to lessons
Then for the next 6 months, you will:
Развиваете насмотренность, посещая еженедельные вебинары (разборы проектов)
Start making money with the 5-week "Rich designer" workshop and learn how to find clients
we will refund your money if you don't like the first 30 days of training
Информация в этих уроках не слишком важна на период обучения, но может пригодиться вам в реальной работе с заказчиками. Поэтому, чтобы вы не забивали голову большим количество информации сразу, мы вынесли некоторые уроки в бонусные блоки.
After completing 3 projects, you will be enrolled in the "Rich designer" workshop. During the workshop, you will work on your positioning, pricing per project, and organise your portfolio. You will also learn how to communicate with clients and solve problematic issues
Прокачиваете знания с помощью бонусных видеоуроков
We do not guarantee a specific financial result, as the result depends on the actions of the student himself, his personal qualities, speed of mastering and implementation of the received knowledge
If you want to know if your drawing is correct, if you have chosen the right furniture, how to lay the tiles or anything else, the tutors will help you in the specially created WhatsApp chat.

With this support, you will feel more confident and will not make any mistakes during the project.
Get help from tutors on your projects for all 6 months
6 months post-diploma feedback
we will refund your money if you don't like the first 30 days of training
Watch the video to find out more about the course modules
1 мин
10 min
Start learning now and invest in your new profession from €250 per month
Installment payments are provided by our school. No interest and no overpayments.
Expert in concept creation and space planning. Has projects in England, Europe and Australia. 10+ years of experience
Expert in Homestyler since 2023: create many different projects in the program – single rooms as well as entire flats. Experience of work with clients from different cities remotely
Expert in furniture, project completion, and implementation.
Projects in Portugal and Brazil. Master's in Environment Production Design. 12+ years of experience
Екатерина Генералова
You will be taught by professional designers and founders of top design studios
Head teacher
Anna Rokha
Owner of the international design studio "Rokha interiors". Master's degree from the University of Spain. Publishes in interior design magazines. 15+ years of experience
Open Taylor's projects
Anna Averyan
João Marcelo Schiewe
Taylor Heywood
We are official partners of Homestyler and Archicad software
That's why we offer free access to the Archicad software and a 25% discount on paid Homestyler plans
If you don't like the course, we'll refund your money
If you have a change of plans, the course is not suitable for you, or for other reasons. Even if you have already completed some of the lessons and assignments.
You will have 30 days to see if the course is right for you
from 250 € / month